Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hyvää Joulua!!!! From Santa's house.

I was lucky enough to be invited to Mia's house for Christmas this year since I couldn't go home for the holidays. We made it to Finland with no problems and came home to a wonderfully festive home. After a long night of sleep, Mia and I were in charge of getting the Christmas tree. This involved her mom driving us to the store, getting the tree, and then carrying (well....dragging...) it back to Mia's house!

After that we made some delicious ginger bread cookies, and Mia's friend Hanna came over for some sledding fun!


Mia and Hanna and the UFOs.

Hanna fell. hahah

That hill was a mistake!

After a fun time in the snow!

The next day Mia and I decorated the tree! This was a great challenge for us because we get distracted easy! But it turned out lovely!

Tahhhh Dahhhh!

Then we traveled to Helsinki for some fun in the city and to go to her father's apartment for dinner! We went ice skating with her boyfriend Max and friend Iris, and it was -20 degrees C. BRRR! It forced me to buy a new coat :)

I needed help. Good thing they were prepared for me!

Oh so graceful!

Mia and Max!

Dinner with Mia's dad and Margarita and Mia's Mummi was absolutely lovely!

The next day was Christmas Eve! In Finland, all the festivities happen on this day! We woke up and had an amazing Christmas Eve breakfast and then we played some childhood games with Mia's brother, Sami.

Santa came!

And brought me mittens! 

The beautiful table!

This was an amazing Christmas and I can honestly say that Finland with Mia's family is definitely my Home away from Home!

Now it is bed time!

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