Saturday, September 18, 2010

The BIG Move.

So today was the day that we moved into our permanent residences. That was definitely an adventure in itself. Compared to Uni back home, Nottingham's campus is about 6 times bigger, and that is just on THIS campus (keep in mind there are 7 around the world and in England). My room is pretty nice. It's kind of an odd layout, but it will work! I especially love the construction going on outside of my window. These two British blokes are working quite hard with some intense power tools. And on their breaks they like to sing to the Ke$ha songs on the radio and talk in strong accents about their "girl problems". It is quite the entertainment as I was unpacking. Hopefully it won't go on all semester. I might have to give them advice via my window on how to deal with their relationship dilemmas, but all in all, I like my new place.

Tomorrow is when everyone is moving on to campus. All 38,000+ students will be lugging their suitcases around campus, up the hills and down, well the downs (a massive hill on campus, the name is misleading). The nice thing about getting here early is the fact that I don't have to race everyone to get to the head of the line. I think I will just enjoy a day out on the town.

I PROMISE tomorrow I will post a ton of pictures after I do my "tourist" trip to Nottingham City Center tomorrow.  You will see all the wonders of this amazing place.

Until then...



  1. If you want to get sophisticated one afternoon, this place was awesome and super cheap!! Get the cheese plate and a glass of house white.

  2. I'm glad you moved into your new room and you like it.
    Did you change you major? Giving out relationship advice now -Huh!!! Dr. Roonie has a nice ring to it.
    We miss & Love you - Mom, Dad & Cali
